Preguntas más frecuentes

Why a different type of GDPR form is displayed?

We want the agreement with the GDPR to comply with the new rules. In order for the application to work properly and to display at least a non-personalized advertisement, so was still free of charge, it is necessary to give consent to points 1,2,7,9,10 and at least one supplier of advertising (set consent for one of the vendor's preferences).

  1. For personalized ads press „Consent“
  2. For non-personalized ads press „Manage options“, it is necessary at least set consent with:
    • Store and/or access information on a device
    • Select basic ads
    • Measure ad performance
    • Apply market research to generate audience insights
    • Develop and improve products
    • Click on „Vendor preferences“
    • Set consent by one of vendor by your choice
How to sort photos by date?

After the app is switched on, all files are selected for sorting by default for sorting in the internal memory by date.

Just press the big button (point 1) and your photos will be sorted in internal memory to directories by date.

How can I sort only some photos to directories by date on internal memory?

If you want to sort only photos of some days, first click the "UNSELECT ALL" button (point 1) and then select photos in days, you want to sort. In case you want to sort all photos, click the "SELECT ALL" button (point 2).

Can I sort photos on my SD Card too?

Yes. If you want to sort your photos on your SD Card, please:

  1. Go to MENU of the app.
  2. Click on SETUP icon, then you will see several sorting options.
  3. Please click to select box of "Selection of DCIM storage".
  4. Select "SD card".
  5. Click on big button with green OK logo.
  6. All photos on your SD card are by default selected for sorting to directories by date.
  7. After selecting please click on big button to start sorting.
App want to select root directory of SD card, how can I do that?

  1. By the dialog with Images, you look on Images and press - OK.
  2. You must press MENU on device and then
  3. find SD Card on device and
  4. select (root-) directory of SD card.
How can I change the interval for sorting, if I do not want to sort by days, but by months?

First run app and then:

  1. Press MENU on App.
  2. Select "Setup".
  3. Click to select box next to "Sort by".
  4. Select the interval for sorting to "Months".
  5. Now please click on green check ok button.
  6. Now your photos will be sort by months after click on big button.
How can I change the delimiter in the directory name?

First run app and then:

  1. Press MENU on App.
  2. Select "Setup".
  3. Click to select box next to "Delimiter".
  4. Select the symbol you want to have as delimiter into the directory name. You can change between "nothing", "dash", "underline character" or "dot".
  5. Now please click on green check ok button.
  6. Click on big button and the directories will be named with the delimiter as you select.
What means: "Photographs taken in early morning put into directory of previous day?"

Sometimes it happens that the photos taken relate to the previous day.

For example, at celebrations and parties where photos are taken even after midnight, you may want to assign such photos to the day of the event and not to the day after the event.

Here you can set whether to use this option (by default this option is selected and set with a time of 3:00 in the morning) and also by what time the application will assign such photos to the previous day.

This option can only be set if you have selected the option to sort by days.

How to find out what version of the app I have?

The current version of the app on your device is in the app Menu under "About".

  1. Press the app menu.
  2. Click on "About".
  3. In the last row here is the current version of the app.